Burnham-Moores Dialogue Series Managing Your Career Trajectory- Staying Relevant in Today’s Dynamic Market 

Thursday, October 5, 2023 7:30-10:00am 

Illumina Theater @ The Alexandria at Torrey Pines 10996 Torreyana Rd San Diego, CA 92121

Today's real estate dynamics are unprecedented in their impact on all asset classes and the employment
market that supports them. In the midst of a recessionary economy, work from home dynamics, and
general economic uncertainty, come hear from veteran industry professionals on how to better manage
your career and personal growth.

Katie Hart, senior corporate recruiter for Bisnow and Select Leaders will provide data on economic and
hiring trends both globally and locally. She will then focus on trends relevant to women in real estate
before joining the panel discussion. Tiffany English, senior director of architecture at Qualcomm Inc. will
moderate the panel which also includes Sarah Kruer Jager, partner at Monarch Group and Carrie Bobb
‘09 MBA, senior vice president at Foundry Commercial and founder of hellojenny.

Come join our panel discussion which will focus on topics such as: the skills needed to stay relevant in
today’s dynamic market, navigating the job marketplace during a recession, work-life balance, and the
opportunities in the San Diego market.

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