Women, Peace and Security
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Women, Peace and Security
You can join other men and women in the Women PeaceMakers Solidarity Network (SolNet), a new alliance of supporters who make it possible for the PeaceMakers to take this urgently needed respite from threats and danger, share their peacebuilding strategies, and make valuable connections to strengthen their impact. Thank you for supporting Women, Peace and Security at the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies Institute for Peace and Justice. Please complete the following information. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).


All donors of $500 and above will be gratefully acknowledged on our website.

Donors of $1,500 and above will be included in the Kroc Society of the USD President’s Club, and receive special invitations to private receptions with Distinguished Lecture Series speakers and President's Club events at USD, plus a Kroc Society pin.

Donors who pledge $2,500 annually for three years become members of the Women PeaceMakers Solidarity Network and receive special recognition in our website, reserved seating at all Women PeaceMakers events, an invitation to an exclusive luncheon with the Women Peacemakers each fall, and the benefits listed above for the Kroc Society of the USD President's Club.

For gifts above $10,000, please contact Jennifer Freeman, at jenfreeman@sandiego.edu for exclusive recognition opportunities for us to show our appreciation and involve you in the work of the program. Endowing a Center for Women, Peace and Security at the Institute for Peace and Justice is a priority of Leading Change: Campaign for USD, and naming opportunities are available.

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